By: I Nengah Merdekawati, EBPP English teacher
Returning to school on Monday 9th January after two weeks holiday, all EBPP students welcomed the start of the new semester and could not hide their happiness of reuniting with their friends and teachers, seen from their smiling faces as they started the new academic classes, with new time schedules at all EBPP’s 6 schools.
A new extracurricular schools’ projects for 2023 is ‘Learning with Parent’, where the teachers will choose one of the students' houses where they will decide what they want to study with their parents at that time. This program will be prepared in advance and will run every month in rotation at all EBPP schools, with the aim of developing better relationship between teacher-student-parents.
Whilst students in 5 of our schools enthusiastically start their second semester, our Manikaji School students are sad because the school roof was seriously damaged by hurricane-force winds blowing high up the slopes of Mount Abang where it’s located on the night of Monday, 2nd January and has to be completely replaced before they can return to their classrooms. EBPP is currently raising funds to repair the roof and all our high school students and their parents are working feverishly to repair the roof and, weather permitting, we hope that all will be completed by early next week so that our eager students can finally start their new 2023 semester in safe and comfortable classrooms. •