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Beginning of a Journey: Baseline Data Collection for “Posyandu Teladan” Project

By. Ulfa Ratriana, Health Program Coordinator

On Wednesday, September 4th, EBPP’s health teams, in partnership with the 1000 Days Fund, took the first step in our collaborative “Posyandu Teladan” project. This initiative is being implemented across four Posyandu: Manikaji Kaliaga, Puncak, Asti, and Darmaji. Our mission is clear—eradicating stunting by empowering cadres with essential training on stunting prevention, exclusive breastfeeding, and proper supplementary feeding for children under two years old.

Before diving into the training sessions, we began by collecting baseline data, a crucial foundation for tracking the future impact of the project. Through this activity, we interviewed Posyandu cadres, pregnant women, and mothers of children under two years old. Our goal was to assess their current knowledge of stunting, health behaviours, and the existing Posyandu activities. The results were eye-opening: many pregnant women lacked awareness of stunting, and several cadres were unfamiliar with how to properly interpret children's growth data using the WHO growth charts.

Starting in October, we will train Posyandu cadres with the knowledge and skills they need to actively promote healthy practices among families in their communities. We are optimistic that this training will create a ripple effect of positive change, empowering cadres to become champions of better health outcomes in their regions.

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